Sunday, July 22, 2012

A tiddy-bit about Virginia

      So, like I said I'm 19. I work at a call center giving out insurance quotes for State Farm and Allstate (shoot-myself-in-the-face kinda work). I love.... well, basically using my mind and being productive. I love learning. I am trying to go to school to be a cosmetologist, masseuse, and personal fitness trainer. I do have dreams to one day open my own salon/spa/gym. I love anything and everything that has to do with making yourself look and feel better. I know one day down the road, I'll find some kind of mental health training I want to do too. My favorite hobbies have to be cooking, reading, singing, making myself and other look and feel beautiful, fitness training, hiking, camping, dancing, and have recently taken up playing pool. I basically go to work every day at 6 am (yes, I get up at 4 T____T), come home and nap at 3, take whatever classes I can at the gym from 6-8, come home and eat and make dinner, bed, restart. So I don't have kids or anything but do live a pretty busy lifestyle but fit the gym in there every day no matter what! an hour of your day is only like.... 4 percent of your day? I like to think of it that way.. sounds like much less.
       So I go to my city's 24hr fitness. It's about 29.99 a month. All I do there is take the classes! It's pretty much a really cheap trainer, because you're being told what to do and can get any help you need in any of the classes. I try to take 2 classes a night from 6-8. They have Zumba, BodyPump, Kickboxing, Aqua, Cycle classes, and their own bootcamp. Whatever is on the list, I just do it! and let me tell you, it kicks my ass but the results are worth it. Would you rather not go to the gym now and regret it later? Or go to the gym now and rest reassuringly later? LOL! I do always sleep better at night knowing I burned some cals, cause thats what you have to do to lose weight. Burn more than you take in. A big thing I'm doing now is counting calories, you would not believe how fast they can go! Try MyFitnessPal on your smartphone, you can plug in  how many calories you need a day and put in any food you take in and see if you pass your limit. I've also learned to drink pretty much endless amounts of water. It can stop your from being "hungry" (a lot of times we mistake hunger for thirst). As for food.. try to go organic if you can. Cut back on processed foods and foods with added salts and sugars and all that yummy stuff. I basically take any recipes I love -from fast food to desserts- and make it home made. I pack my lunch every day, and coworkers even ask where I bought my food, thinking its from delis. You can make anything however you like it at home and in a healthy manner, just watch your portions and eat lots of veggies!
           Some off topic personal things I'd share, my likes. Okay so you all MUST read The Hunger Games. I just finished it, and I just have to applaud Suzanne Collins for that triology. Each book gets more intense and each chapter really has you holding on and wanting to keep going. The ending to the trilogy is just... ugh. I dont want to spoil it for you guys, but it's a good one. READ IT!!! Now I'm reading 50 Shades of Grey.. and yes. Its' sexy.
             A great station I love to work out for all of you smartphoneaholics: download the iheartradio app (I like it just as much as Pandora) and search SpinCycle. It is a live DJ playing remixed upbeat newer hits. When the music gets more intense and fast it makes me work harder without even thinking or trying!
I will be posting daily with my recipes, exercises, and my journey to fitness so stay tuned!

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