Here's a little formula I picked up from my gym manager to calculate what your daily water intake should be. I'll use my info for example:
1. Divide your body weight in half
170 / 2 = 85
2. Add 20% of your body weight
170 x .20 = 34 85 + 34 = 120 ounces of water a day!
Try drinking about two cups of water two hours prior to your workout to hydrate yourself with what you're about to sweat out. Make sure to take as many water breaks as you need during workout!
Get on the scale before and after your workout to see how much weight you lose in sweat. If you lose a pound, that's two cups of water, You should drink about 20% MORE water than you lost (so say you lose a pound which is two cups, drink another two and a half to three cups. How do you know if you are hydrated? Take a long pee! If it's clear, you're good. If you're urine is dark, drink up.
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