Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday July 23, 2012

Today was a good one. Actually woke up on time and got to work on time where I made quota (!). We have to get a certain number of leads a day (more leads=more commission) which I have NOT been doing the past 2 months. I'm finally back on my feet and that's always nice. Anyways, for breakfast I made this new coffee drink thingy (I'm a dutch bros whore and have been going through withdrawals) so I like to make my own nummy coffee at home. Did you know a iced kicker is like.. 500-600 calories? T______T yeah, not gonna happen. So I put a scoop of slim fast in it I bought at Walmart (meal replacement crap), and 15 grams of whey protein, a dash of non fat caramel macchiato coffee creamer, and fill the rest of the cup with coffee. Better than Dutch Bros, I swear. Along with that, gotta have my egg whites. I pan fried 2 egg whites with some chopped peppers in them. My calorie intake for breakfast? Only 200 calories! For a snack around 10 I had a Chocolate Peanut Butter FiberOne bar (90 cals)

After work was a busy day, made my way over to Victoria's Secret, got my monthly free gift and an extra goodie. Hot pink incredible panties (panty line free for the gym!) and some cotton panties. Had to get a bottle of their kissable massage oil and a little makeup bag to carry along in my purse too. Had to. God damn you Victoria's secret credit card.. Oh and mommy bought me a Sunburst (idk wtf it is, but its good) from the Nordstrom's coffee shop which helpfully post the calories next to the drinks, only about 180 cals. FYI, almost any food place you go to has nutrition facts. Just ask! I do.

GYM TIME!!! So at 6 I had a cycle class. We just use those bikes that you can control the pressure of your workout with a knob. We'd change pressure a lot depending on tempo of the song and do various up down workouts while non stop peddling the whole time. Yeah. It kicked my ass. Definitely not my favorite class, but a class that kicks my ass I must keep attending. Cause honestly thats what I want! I want to be pushed to my MAX!
At 7 was Zumba. Got to say Zumba is my favorite class of all (duh). All you do is dance. Dance, dance, dance. Keep moving your feet, dance, dance, dance. Got a little solo dance with the instructor too, who is the fittest woman in the class and pregnant! I give the most props to her for being sexy and carrying child! She really uses her ass in every move which makes me feel sexeh when I attempt to copy her in my dance. Her Zumba pants she wears to have long ribbons hanging down from them which I think make it look like she shakes more than she does.. Guess I'll know when I get my first pair of Zumba pants. Ran into an old highschool friend in that class who is looking great! She's gonna start joining me on my gym-capades when she can :) It's always nice to rekindle old friendships!

After gym, I had me some Quizno's. I <3 Quizno's. I had a harvest chicken salad and turkey flatbread, only equalling up to about 550 cals. YES, I did skip lunch today! BAD! Do not skip meals! I was in a rush. And for these reasons we carry around granola bars and fruit in our bag or car.

Now it's time for my warm glass of fiber-soymilk then off to bed. Goodnight readers <3

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