Sunday, July 22, 2012

Join me!

So I'm 19 and have lost over 100 pounds. How? Simply change in eating habits. In high school at age 17 I topped off the scale at 279 pounds. Me. and 17 year old girl! How? By basically eating fast food, enormous amounts of calories (Route-44 sized slushies at Sonic were my favorite, I drank 1-2 a day!), and never getting excercise. Once I graduated highschool, my eating habits flipped 180 degrees. I starting eating only portions of food I needed to. Even not eating healthy that way I still lost a bunch of weight by just eating less. Now, July 22 2012, about a year and a half out of high school, I am down to 170 lbs. YES! I have lost 100 lbs just changing my eating habits!
These past few months I really have become a health and fitness nut. I look in the mirror now and see womanly curves, not rolls and rolls. I actually get checked out now, and the feeling is still a bit weird. I'm not really used to being hit on sadly, and it happens a LOT! So, I have decided to finish off what I have started. I have been going to the gym 5-6 days a week and eating healthy. I have been learning a lot of things about health and would like to invite you on my journey to actually become healthy on the inside and out. I will post my workouts, products I use, and recipes (warning: I cook a lot, and I try to be fancy with it, so be ready for recipes). Besides that, I'll let you all get to know me with stuff besides fitness. But please, join me through my weight loss. It is so much easier than anyone could imagine, and all you need is the strength and willpower.

Hello everyone, my name is Virginia Rose, I'm 19, and 5'4 and 170lbs.
My goal weight is 140lbs, OR whatever looks and feels best on me!

Here was me at 17, 5'4 and 279lbs.

If I can lose all that weight with no expensive diets or really killing myself, you can too. Please come along the journey because I'd love to share : )

1 comment:

  1. Good luck for your journey. We're with you ! =)
    I'm 18 and have been in university for a year - I gained 30 pounds during that year while you lost a hundred.. Ah well, now, I know I have to be careful and lose them quick ! =)
